Political correctness has no place in standup comedy, right? The comedy stage must be protected as the last sanctum of free speech! Then why can’t I say whatever I want? I think it depends on the P.C. dosage. It has always existed in some form. I doubt our founding fathers thought free speech meant flag-burning, and they probably would have burned Richard Pryor at the stake for cursing like three-fifths of a comedian, but at least they were smart enough to lay the foundation for us. The problem with today’s P.C. police is they’re taking the fun out of comedy. It’s frustrating to observe audiences that dictate what we can or can’t say. Shouldn’t you ignore me instead of demanding I change? 50 years ago, if someone was considered offensive, society imposed it’s morality. Eventually we decided different views could coexist, and it was my right to be ignored. Now, judgement without morality is here, imposing its will on the arts, stating that all views must be supported and agreed with. I’m open-minded because I defend speech that offends me, I tolerate things I abhor, and I respect opposing views. Not so fast poster-child! Would I let someone advocate pedophilia? How about professing their allegiance to terrorism? Hell no! Them’s fightin’ words! Why? Because it potentially affects my way of life. Don’t tread on me! I guess a smidgen of P.C. is OK. Everyone draws a line, just don’t draw it in the comedy club! If you hear things you don’t agree with, you’re at the right place.